American Quarterly

Special Issue: Tours of Duty and Tours of Leisure

American Quarterly Special Issue Volume 68 Number 3: Tours of Duty and Tours of Leisure
Vernadette Vicuña Gonzalez, Jana K. Lipman, and Teresia Teaiwa
Vernadette Vicuña Gonzalez, Jana K. Lipman, Jewel Castro, Cynthia Enloe, Adriane Lentz-Smith, Rebecca L. Stein, Mary Louise Pratt, Christine Taitano DeLisle, Laura Briggs, Ayano Ginoza, Andrew Buchanan, Ran Zwigenberg, Christen Tsuyuko Sasaki, Julia Michiko Hori, Laurel Mei-Singh, Jennifer Lynn Kelly, Debbie Lisle, Adam Weaver, Raphael Folsom, Cathy Stanton, Liz Ševčenko, Mimi Thi Nguyen, Teresia Teaiwa, Mari Yoshihara, Christopher B. Patterson
Journal Issue
Volume 68, Number 3
Johns Hopkins University Press
Septemer 2016
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American Quarterly has been the preeminent guide to American studies since 1949. With a broad, humanistic understanding of American culture, the journal encourages cross-disciplinary work. In addition, it publishes forums, exhibition and book reviews, and short, timely think pieces. American Quarterly is the official publication of the American Studies Association (ASA).

Tours of Duty and Tours of Leisure is the September 2016 special issue.

Introduction: Tours of Duty and Tours of Leisure: Uneven and Linked Mobilities

by Vernadette Vicuña Gonzalez and Jana K. Lipman

Pages 507-521